The Ginarte Law Firm is proud to announce the kick off to our annual canned food drive. Every November our personal injury attorneys and legal staff participate in collecting donations for those who are less fortunate. Our collection period last the entire month and is spread throughout our seven offices. The firm is able to provide local food pantries with a large donation amount because of effort to give back to the community whenever we can. The staff look forward to this time of year when they can give back to those who are less fortunate. Although our attorneys and staff might not see the people who directly benefit from the food donations, they know that somewhere out there a person is able to have a good hearty meal because of their actions.
Here are the Ginarte Law Firm we strive hard to connect with community and build relationships that go past the court rooms and legal aspects. We want to build relationships with the community that will withstand the test of time, knowing that it will bring joy to everyone involved. Our attorneys and staff donate a variety of canned foods as well to ensure that those who are less fortunate are offered the ability to have a balanced diet.
Our attorneys and staff were able to collect 950 lbs. of a vast array of canned foods. This year the firm’s goal is to collect 1,000 lbs. It is estimated that 1,000 lbs of food can equal to 830 meals, which is what the Ginarte Law Firm has set our goal as. If we can create 830 meals from our donations we will be able to feed one person twice a day for an entire year. This is one less person that will go hungry. Providing a better life for someone who is less fortunate is our overall goal to provide both the community and our clients.
Updates on our canned food drive will be provided on our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you are interested in helping donate or would like to get involved please email [email protected] for more information.
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