If you work at a New York or New Jersey construction site, you should receive regular safety training, and be issued safety equipment that you are trained to use. Unfortunately, because training takes time, and time is money, some supervisors cut training short, or ignore it altogether.
The U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the New York and New Jersey labor departments have standards for training employees, issuing safety equipment, inspecting and maintaining equipment, and the safety of the workplace itself. These regulations apply to everyone and every entity on a construction site – from the developer to the primary contractor, subcontractors, vendors, and others.
A lawyer can help, if an employer is using nonexistent safety policies as a means to avoid paying workers’ compensation. First, workers’ compensation is no-fault insurance. Unless the employer can show that you were intoxicated, or did something intentionally to hurt yourself, you should be able to obtain benefits.
More importantly, if your employer cannot show compliance with OSHA standards, including the existence of written policies and the provision of training, you may have grounds for a construction accident lawsuit.
At the Ginarte law firm, our investigations find that inadequate safety precautions on construction sites are far too common in New York and New Jersey. If you believe an unsafe worksite contributed to your accident and injuries, please get in touch with one of our attorneys for help.
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